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Raina Writes: The importance of feedback in recruitment


"Feedback is the breakfast of Champions" – Ken Blanchard.

You know that feeling when you’re at the airport and the departures board flashes up the word ‘delayed’ next to your flight?


The feeling of disappointment is often instinctive. But that can quickly give way to frustration and annoyance if all you know is that you're not going anywhere fast.

Yet if you’re given an explanation (and it’s a reasonable one) those feelings will often soften. We all know things don’t always go to plan. So, understanding why often gives us a sense of resolution, even if the disappointment remains.

It’s the same for the hiring process. Companies often like to interview three or four candidates for a role. Sometimes many more. Candidates have options too, whether it’s staying in a current role or contending for multiple opportunities.

On both sides, there'll be some missing out. The answer will be ‘no’. Or, even worse, the dreaded ‘gone in a different direction’.

Without an accompanying explanation, these outcomes can land a heavy blow. We all know it’s a competitive situation. We all know there’s a chance of not getting what we want. But not knowing why we’ve missed out can leave us feeling disappointed, frustrated and annoyed.

That’s why we’re such big advocates of feedback from all sides.

Constructive feedback from companies to unsuccessful candidates, and from candidates to companies when declining an offer, can turn a frustrating experience into a valuable one.

It won't remove all negative feelings but it will at least give them something to work with. It offers a form of resolution and things they can learn from, so that the next hiring process they’re in produces better outcomes.

Agencies should welcome and offer feedback too. It’s a chance to refine processes and offer the service both clients and candidates need. Plus, agencies also have a responsibility to offer feedback that can help candidates and companies improve their approaches and understand outcomes. We're not doing our jobs if we hide the truth.

By being compassionate, open, honest and constructive, we can all save ourselves time and soften the blow of disappointment. Not to mention improve our chances of a successful outcome next time.



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