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Raina Writes: What happens after candidates say 'yes'?


One of the very best parts of what I do at ReCulture is telling someone they've got the job.

Clients often handle it themselves, but every now and then I get all the glory (and thank yous) of passing on the exciting news.

If you've ever had that opportunity, you'll know it's a special moment. You’re changing someone’s future, giving them an opportunity they’ve wanted and (most satisfying of all) bringing a close to the hiring process!

For the candidate, it means everything they’ve done in their career and in the interviews has paid off. They’re going to embark on a new chapter in their work life. Lots of new doors will be opening for them. It's EXCITING!

But all that positivity is often hard to maintain, especially if they're having to work a long notice period. The truth of it is, they'll never be as keen to know about your company as they are between acceptance and start date.

Which is why the 'Yes to Desk' is one of the most valuable yet overlooked phases of the recruitment process.

Too often, the only communication between a company and new employees are the formalities of employment. Contracts, start date details, etc.

But your new hire is thirsty for information. This is maybe the only time when they’ll hang onto your every word AND have the time to take it all in.

We've seen some great ways companies are putting the 'Yes to Desk' phase to good use.

Yes to Desk Ideas

- Sending a welcome pack
- Sharing culture books so they know more about what the company stands for
- Asking questions about who they are and sharing the answers with the team
- Inviting them to team events, away days or important meetings
- Inviting them to the team Slack or Teams channels
- Connecting them to a 'buddy'
- Any CPD/online training they can do beforehand
- Sharing information on processes, terminology or brand messaging
- Sharing company news, updates, etc. just as they would with the rest of their team

They're making people feel part of the team before they start. Which naturally helps them settle in and make a faster impact while keeping them engaged, energised and welcome.

A lot of companies wait for the induction, which is still important. But too often those processes can feel rushed or leave new hires waiting around with little to do because there's so much other stuff going on.

The ‘Yes to Desk’ takes the pressure off both you and your new hire. They'll know you’re as excited about their arrival as they are and key information will sink in. In short, they'll be ready for their new adventure!


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